

Windows 10/11 Upgrade Configuration Special

Make Your Computer Streamlined, Easy-To-Use & Secure

Only $195 

In-shop, 2 days (Other discounts do not apply)



Physical Memory/Hardware Assessment

Hard Drive Health Test

Perform Windows 10/11 Upgrade

Answer initial Start-up questions to minimize Microsoft sharing of data

Windows Personal Desktop Match & Ease of Access Configuration

Configure Windows Updates

Install/Configure Free Anti-virus

Reinstall Disk Cleanup & Windows Games after Windows Upgrade

Set default Internet browser after Windows Upgrade

Configure Internet Explorer & Edge Advanced Settings

Configure Windows Notifications

Configure Windows Personalization

Configure Windows Start Options

Configure/associate common files to common programs

Clean-up & configure Customized TSTCW Windows Start Pane

Install TSTCW Start Globe

Install TSTCW Shut Down & Restart Apps

Install Windows Updates

Install updated Windows device drivers as needed

Run Disk Defragmenter

Run Disk Cleanup

Additional User Accounts - $35 ea.

On-site set-up

Confirm printer operation

Confirm Internet connection

On-site Windows 10/11 familiarity instruction & questions answered


Call 727-366-5711

to schedule


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